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We’re proud to announce the launch of our Waste Guide 2024. This document serves as a comprehensive guide to sustainable waste disposal, providing valuable information for a wide range of common waste streams processed at Bywaters. These include useful instructions for:

The topics covered by our Waste Guide regarding the waste streams will include common items and contaminants, the benefits of recycling them and the waste journey they undergo when it is processed with us. This document is designed to empower you with valuable waste management guidance.

Where Does Waste Go?

We’re pleased to release this document, as it showcases our carefully planned journey for your waste when it is handled by our expert network of sustainable partners and how the processed output contributes to the circular economy.

Why Is Recycling Important

Recycling is a cornerstone of a circular economy, where resources are kept in use for as long as possible. This emphasises the beneficial role recycling has for our environment.

We have updated our figures and information regarding our operations and the impact of recycling. This highlights the benefits your waste collections have on our planet when recycled properly.

Some Useful (& Sustainable) Advice…

Lastly, we’re passionate about helping the planet, as well as imparting the knowledge needed to empower people to do so. So we were especially proud to share our revised  guidelines to help our customers, and the public generally, deal with their waste sustainably.

We hope this document will be useful for your waste management.

Bywaters is a London-based recycler that is passionate about sustainability. We work with partners of all sorts to ensure our planet-friendly service. If you’re interested in finding out more about us, contact us today.

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