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Our Dry Mixed Recycling Services

Dry mixed recycling (DMR for short) is one of our most popular recycling services, disposing of items that would normally go into your recycling bin, like cardboard, glass and plastic. We provide you with secure containers to help you manage any large volumes of DMR and then organise a convenient collection schedule to ensure a seamless service.

Our East London materials recovery facility (MRF) is powered by 4,000 solar panels and uses state-of-the-art equipment to separate waste into individual streams. This enables us to sort your dry mixed recycling through a twelve-step segregation process in order to recycle as many materials as possible.

Materials are then baled ready to be recycled into new products like glass bottles, plastic toys, and paper. Our commitment to sustainability means none of your dry mixed recycling will go directly to landfill.

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In 2024...

Tonnes of DMR Waste Recycled
Net Avoided Emissions (CO2e Kg)
Trees Absorb This Amount of CO2e

The Dry Mixed Recycling Process

Your material is collected by our Euro 6 fleet

The waste is tipped into our solar-powered MRF

Each material is segregated at our specialised facility

Individual material streams are bulked and baled

Final bulked material is sent to be recycled

Dry Mixed Recycling FAQ

Aside from turning your waste into new, usable products, our dry mixed recycling service can save you time and space, reducing the need to separate your waste into separate recycling bins. With no waste entering landfill, it’s also more environmentally friendly and reduces your carbon footprint.

If dry mixed recycling gets wet, it can no longer be recycled as DMR, so you will need to store it with your non-recyclable waste. However, if you can dry the materials out, they can be recycled as planned.

DMR bins are for waste that is dry and recyclable only. This includes newspapers and magazines, metal cans and plastic packaging, such as rinsed out milk bottles and packaging films. If your waste is non-recyclable or contaminated, then it should be placed in a non-recyclable waste stream. This will then be dealt with separately for energy recovery, ensuring we recycle and reuse as much as possible.

To avoid contamination, you shouldn’t include waxed paper cups from coffee shops, liquids, wood, bubble wrap, packaging with foil interiors, clothing or electrical items. Please don’t put your dry mixed recycling into black bags, as we will be unable to see what is inside and whether it is acceptable for recycling.

Nando enquiry

Register your interest, and one of our recycling experts will be in touch.

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