Can you recycle cereal boxes?


Yes, you can!

How to recycle cereal boxes at home?

Cereal Box

Yes, you can recycle cereal boxes at home.

  1. Ensure the cereal box is clean and not contaminated by materials such as food or milk. Remove any other materials.
  2. Simply flatten the cereal box and put it in the recycling bin.

How to recycle cereal boxes at your business

  1. Cereal boxes fall under the DMR waste stream. Ensure the cereal box is clean and not contaminated by materials such as grease or food. Remove any other materials.
  2. Inform your employees about the importance of recycling cardboard and provide clear instructions.
  3. Place designated recycling bins in relevant areas of your business, such as near break rooms or the reception area. 
  4. Clearly label these bins for dry mixed recycling that can accept cardboard.
  5. Coordinate with Bywaters regular pickups or drop-offs of the collected cereal boxes. 

How to recycle cereal boxes



  • Flatten the cereal boxes
  • Ensure boxes are empty before placing in the recycling

Do not

  • Dispose of in the general waste or food waste stream

The Dry Mixed Recycling Process

Your material is collected by our Euro 6 fleet

The waste is tipped into our solar-powered MRF

Each material is segregated at our specialised facility

Individual material streams are bulked and baled

Final bulked material is sent to be recycled

Facts about cereal boxes

Nando enquiry

Register your interest, and one of our recycling experts will be in touch.

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