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The IPCC, a body of the world’s leading climate experts, has produced a report stating that global average temperature rise could reach or surpass 1.5 °C in the next two decades, ten years sooner than expected. The increase in temperature will cause an increased rate of natural disasters, droughts, rising sea levels and atmospheric temperature.

The main consequence of the increase in temperature is global warming, vastly due to human activity. The report indicates reversing the global average temperature rise is nearly impossible and we must jump into action in minimising the effects of global warming to prevent a climate catastrophe. 

As a company devoted to leading the world into a sustainable future and protecting it for generations to come, we urge instant action to protect our planet. We understand that to fix the climate crisis. Governments worldwide will need to make significant policy changes alongside collaborative commitments with corporations but there are small things you can do to influence and decrease your carbon footprint to play your part in helping minimise the effects of the global temperature rise.

Reduce, Reuse and Recycle 

The three R’s are about cutting back on waste generation and preventing waste from reaching landfills, a breeding ground for greenhouse gas. Methane emissions from landfills in 2019 were equivalent to the greenhouse gas emissions from more than 21.6 million passenger vehicles driven for one year or the CO2 emissions from nearly 12.0 million homes’ energy use for one year. Reducing waste is about the overall prevention of consumerism, asking yourself if you even need this item, which will eventually turn into waste. 

Reusing waste uses economic and environmental sense to repurpose waste into something new. This might acquire creativity, but there are many websites like Pinterest to help. Donating is another way of reusing items; instead of throwing them away, let someone else use them. Last year, we saved 213,884kg of Co2 with our partner Reyooz, a company that collects unwanted furniture and sells it to people who want it. 

If a product is no longer usable or functional, it’s best to leave it to us at Bywaters. We will sort and repurpose your waste into something new. We have reduced our carbon emissions by 45 percent by using sustainable energy from 4000 solar panels put on our roof, generating enough electricity to power 237 households for a year. Making our recycling service one of the most environmentally friendly in the industry

Read more about the waste hierarchy here.

Become a herbivore 

If you like meat, being carbon is quite hard. A study by Oxford University shows that dietary emissions for meat-eaters are double that for vegans. If you can’t stop eating meat, reduce your consumption of meat to help make an impact. Currently livestock is responsible for around 15% of world emissions worldwide. Lead author Joseph Poore, a researcher from oxford university, said “A vegan diet is probably the single biggest way to reduce your impact on planet Earth, not just greenhouse gases, but global acidification, eutrophication, land use and water use.”

Avoid fast fashion

The fashion industry now accounts for a full 10% of humanity’s total carbon emissions – more than all international flights and maritime shipping activities combined. 18 year old sweedish climate activist Greta Thunberg “The fashion industry is a huge contributor to the climate and ecological emergency”. To avoid fast fashion shops from brands that live and breathe sustainability like Patagonia, buy second hand or even make your garments. 

Avoid passenger vehicles and aeroplanes 

Transport generates around one-third of total emissions in the UK, and the typical passenger vehicle produces about 404 grammes of CO2 every mile according to EPA.GOV. To off-set, your carbon footprint, utilise transport that does not emit emissions, such as your two feet, bicycles and scooters, which will also burn calories, making you healthier at the end of the day. If you do need to go a long distance, try carpooling and split your emissions with someone else. 

We understand that lockdown restrictions are being released worldwide, but that doesn’t mean you need to fly off. The aviation industry is responsible for 2% of all human-induced CO2 emissions. The coronavirus pandemic has shown us what it’s like to have to have a life without planes. During various lockdowns in 2020, UK greenhouse gas emissions fell by 8.9% – from 454.8 million tonnes in 2019 to 414.1 million – the biggest drop since records began in 1990. Vice has a great mini-series on YouTube showcasing ways you travel abroad without using planes.  

Raise awareness

It’s sad to say even if the IPCC report is breaking news, millions of people around the world will not know or understand the climate crisis we are facing today. Let people know that natural disasters will be more frequent if we don’t lower our carbon foot-print and let them know how to minimise the damage. One social media post can send messages across the world.


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